You already belong,
let’s make it official!
We are delighted you are interested in becoming a member of Holy Cross! All are eligible for this membership.
All we need is your baptism or confirmation date and the church’s name where you were baptized or confirmed.
If you are coming from another Christian tradition, it is appropriate for Holy Cross to send a courtesy letter to your former church requesting your baptism information, but not necessary.
If you are a member of another Episcopal parish, we can assist you with transferring your membership. Contact the church office at or (318) 222-3325.
If you have not been baptized, we invite you to contact The Rev’d Garrett Boyte to learn more about our upcoming classes on baptism. He may be reached at or (318) 222-3325.
Becoming a member of Holy Cross expresses a commitment to affirm, live and grow in the Christian faith as an Episcopalian, to participate in parish life, and to support the community with personal service and with financial support as able.
Wherever you are on your journey, Holy Cross would love to be your spiritual home. As members, we commit to growing, learning, giving, and serving together as the Body of Christ.
Please fill out the form below and we will contact you very soon with further information.
Weekend Services
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
Online on Facebook & Youtube
9am † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person, Chapel
11am † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person & Online
Weekday Services
Monday - Friday
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
Online on Facebook & Youtube
12pm † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
In person & Online