Kay Adkins is preparing and will distribute Christmas geaux bags for the homeless. And she could use a little help from us!
If you would like to help, you can message her on Facebook at:
Below is Kay’s Facebook post with more information:
Sorry – this turned out to be long.
I promise not to make you too crazy with my begging for Christmas geaux bags for Hope House. (OTOH, it might be easier to send a few bucks, order from Amazon, or drop off goodies here now than to wade through my reminders, so the sooner the better. 😜. Then I might shut up.) Again, @kay adkins1 for PayPal.
SO MANY THANKS to those who have already donated! I’ve bought cleansing wipes, hand warmers, toothpicks, and Chapstick, and friends have donated Hershey’s Kisses, Oreos, and fruit roll ups, all for 40-50. Any small items or treats are so welcome, as is every $ donation. I’m going to do two bags – one for treats, one for useful items. If you can’t do gifts or treats for that many, do what you can. I’ll figure it out.
Our homeless friends at Hope House have no tree, no family connections , no gifts to open, no fireplaces to gather around, no decorations, no mailed cards, no photos to treasure, no grandchildren to cuddle, no electricity, no running water, no evenings spent with board games and baking, no television to watch. They live in tents and sleep in sleeping bags if they are fortunate. They walk great distances to shower and wash clothes at Hope House. The doors of Holy Cross Episcopal, which created and supports Hope House, are open and welcoming to them, and quite a few come to the early service, but they have to walk to get there. They have friendships among themselves, and their beloved pets, and that’s about it. No one has griped about the misery of post-hurricane and snowpacalypse – no power, no water – more than I have. But I had a bed to sleep in, a closet full of clean clothes, a car outside. They don’t have those things – ever.
Anyone who has ever served lunch at Hope House – and bless every group that does – will testify that our friends there are astonishingly cheerful, friendly, appreciative, and courteous. I’ve never heard “Thank you” and “God bless you” so often in my life. I’ve said before, but it bears repeating, that I wish the children of Shreveport’s schools were as generous in spirit to their lunch ladies as our HH friends are to us. When we pray before lunch, they are – no other word – prayerful. (That’s some faith there – just saying.)
Please join me in this effort. I can’t think of a single thing I can do to celebrate the spirit of this season as it should be commemorated. As always, thank you. ❤️
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