Let’s help Bruce fly!
Our illustrious organist and music director is retiring. Bruce has enchanted us with his musical skill and performances for eight years, and we will miss him and, of course, his wonderful music. He’s shown us how incredible our pipe organ can sound and taught our choir to perform so beautifully beyond anyone’s imagination. Also, Bruce has been an amazing and caring friend to our church, organ, choir, the community, and us all.
Let’s send him off with a gift he has often mentioned as one of his retirement plans, traveling the country and the world.
Your Vestry plans to present Bruce with a generous airline travel pass to help with his dream to travel and see the world during retirement. Please consider donating to Bruce’s retirement gift.
Please press the contribute button and choose other then type “Bruce’s retirement gift” as the reason. If you would prefer to contribute with a check or cash, you may drop it off at the church office or place it in the collection plate on Sunday (please note on the envelope or check that it’s for Bruce’s retirement gift) or mail your check to the church’s PO Box:
The Church of the Holy Cross
PO Box 1627
Shreveport, LA 71165
Your name will be printed on the card we will present to Bruce on July 31, 2022, with his airline travel pass. Thank you!
Weekend Services
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
Online on Facebook & Youtube
9am † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person, Chapel
11am † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person & Online
Weekday Services
Monday - Friday
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
Online on Facebook & Youtube
12pm † Holy Eucharist Rite II
In person
6pm † Evening Prayer Rite II
In person & Online